going though anesthetic would u profer?

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

lovely weekend

Well what a weekend, Jack came home from school Friday with a tummy bug, that + a child running around Mother (me) running around after him trying to stop him from sicking all over the carpet, I didnt win, I had to clean up 1 lot but on a plus side we have starting him into being sick in the loo which has helped me out, and as for Paul he was no help at beginning till I told him to man up which he did and helped me get carpet shampoo and kitchen roll. So Saturday was a lazy day which was lovely apart from going shop in afternoon we had a lovely arts and crafts day, with Paul at work.
Sunday was ment to be ironing, but the boys went out in the garden cutting grass, how could I stand doing that ironing when it was a lovely day, I dont think so lol. so out side I went.

Oh no BOOM it hit me Monday morning got here and it played on my mind all day, "this time next week I will be going in for my pre op :( then 2 weeks after that it will be the big day. gulp. Im sure I will keep you up dated on this as feel I may have time on my hands inbetween sleeping and taking pain killers. x

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