going though anesthetic would u profer?

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Lovely day.

Awoke to fog looking really bad day but couple of hours later and its so sunny out there makes you realise that the summer is on its way to this lovely part of norfolk, we've got our veg patch up and running with our seeds in our green house that we got for an early easter gift instead of an egg, still trying with the weight so thought it would be the best way to loss weight get the green house that will give use veg for rest of year cant go wrong right.
Last night was spend sealing the kitchen so am cleaning up after the mess we made last night.
 Paul started early today up just before 6am so must mean the summer is on its way, de-stoning will pay back the rest of the wedding which is lovely to finally do, He thanked me last night so I had to ask what for, It was because I was so understanding about his work????? Is that not what a wife is ment to do?? he loves his job and theres not many people that can say that so Im happy his happy. Its only every now and again that it gets me down about him working on the farm. When we get invited out and his late that really upsets me but you can understand that as I dont want to go on my own even tho he tells me to go on without him, Were together and I feel that we should do things together.
 Jacks got after school club today (gardening club) which means I dont need to pick him up till 4.15pm gives me time to sort out down stairs before he gets home.
 Well washing is out on the line enjoying the warm air and I best get on with this kitchen before school run.
 Im feeling very lost as I havent got my best mate around me at the momment (my mum) she is my life and theres not many days that we dont see each other, hope there having a lovely holiday and the weather is as good there as it is here, cant help missing her x

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